Small Group Learning Grows Friendships, Too

“I understand the sermons and the events of the church year so much better now.”

“I’ve made friends with people after getting to know them better in class.”

“We pray for each other. I feel cared for by my classmates.”

“I discovered I’m not alone in so many areas - my doubts, challenges, understanding of the Bible, and so much more.”

“Small group sessions help me know I belong.”

As we wind down the Lenten season and prepare to celebrate Christ's resurrection, it is time to consider the new offerings from the Adult Spiritual Growth ministry. Once again, we have a wide selection of educational opportunities for you to consider as you continue on your spiritual path in a small group setting. Join us. Deepen your spiritual understanding and your relationships with others.

Acts of the Revolution. Follow the growth of the movement - The Way - through the book of Acts—Mondays at 4:30 pm with Susan Samuel and Pastor Gene.

Finding Phoebe: What New Testament Women Were Really Like. Contrary to popular conceptions of ‘biblical womanhood’ as passive and silent, women often served as leaders and prophets—Monday on Zoom at 6:30 pm with Eileen Brogan.

Life of the Beloved. Initially written for a Jewish friend, this book has become Henri Nouwen’s greatest legacy. Nouwen’s content is both a challenge and a promise that life works, has deep meaning, and is worth all the pain and struggle—Tuesdays at 10:30 am with Lee McGivney.

1 Corinthians: Searching the Depths of God. The author examines Paul's teaching as he addresses church history, spiritual gifts, and the joys and challenges of living in the community. Participants will apply the lessons to their own faith. There are no reading requirements—Wednesdays at 5:30 pm with Deacon Deb.

Exodus Bible Study. Join the Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study as they read and study Exodus this spring—Thursdays at 10:45 am with Donna Motyl.

Click here for more information or to register. Alternatively, email Eileen Brogan to let her know you wish to participate, and she will register you.

-        Deacon Deb


The Transformative Power of Generosity


“Singing is Good,” Part 2