The Transformative Power of Generosity

In a world often consumed by materialism and self-interest, the virtue of generosity shines as a beacon of hope and compassion. As members of a faith community, we are called to embody the spirit of generosity, recognizing it as a noble virtue and a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey.

At its core, generosity is the selfless act of giving freely to others without expecting anything in return. It is a reflection of the boundless love and grace that we have received from God, and it allows us to extend that love and grace to those around us. We are reminded of the words of Jesus, who said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). These words encapsulate the profound truth that generosity is not merely about giving material possessions; it is about giving of oneself—our time, our talents, and our resources—in service to others. 

The SUM community embodies generosity in many ways, including our special offerings collected during the holidays. SUM’s outreach ministry, Justice and Joy (J&J), met to distribute the funds for our Thanksgiving and Christmas special offerings in early March. Each ministry participates in the decision-making process. Reports are given on the activities of Days for Girls, Covenant to Care for Children, South Park Inn, Meal-Packing, Northwestern CT Community College Food Pantry, Refugee Resettlement, Kenya School Children, Quilts Beyond Borders, Pollinator Gardens, our VIM Disaster Recovery, and more. Click here for the March 7th update.

Generosity has the power to transform lives, both of those who give and those who receive. When we give generously, we not only meet the immediate needs of others but also sow seeds of hope and kindness that have the potential to bear fruit for years to come.  

Based on the current needs of the ministries, the J&J team distributed the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday funds ($3,400) as follows: 

$1,000 to the Covenant of Care for Children (CCC).
$1,500 to the Meal-Packing event.
$600 to South Park Inn.
$300 to the Northwestern CT Community College Food Pantry.

Generosity fosters a spirit of gratitude as we become more aware of the blessings we have been given and more appreciative of the opportunities we have to share those blessings with others. It helps us to cultivate a sense of abundance rather than scarcity, recognizing that there is always enough to go around when we are willing to share with an open heart.

May we be inspired by the example of those who live lives of extraordinary generosity and selflessness. May we heed the call to be channels of God's love and grace in the world, knowing that in giving generously, we receive abundantly in return. May we never tire of seeking new ways to share the blessings we have received, knowing that our acts of generosity have the power to change lives and transform the world. 

-        Deacon Deb

Note: J&J will meet in the Spring to distribute the funds from the special Easter offering.


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