Friday Fish Fries - No Chocolate - Join a New Lenten Study!

In the early church, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by new converts and then became a time of penance for all Christians. Today, as Christians, we focus on our relationship with God, growing as disciples and extending ourselves, some choosing to give up something, some volunteering, and some joining an Adult Spiritual Growth (ASG) class.

The forty days of Lent represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness. Imagine if Jesus had a good book during those 40 days in the wilderness! As always, ASG has chosen some excellent resources for you to spend your time in the wilderness learning, reflecting, and spending quality time with your friends and neighbors.

The Gospel of Mark (Mon 4:30 – 6 pm with Susan Samuel)
A 6-week book and DVD study by Amy Jill-Levine
: The Good News of the gospel message comes alive in this book as readers see Jesus as divine and human, powerful and weak, approachable yet mysterious. The book features an in-depth study of select passages and illuminates the Gospel in its historical context and as a source for the other gospels.

The Hope of Glory: Reflections on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross
A six-week Zoom book study with Eileen Brogan on Mondays 6:30 – 7:30 pm written by Jon Meacham. Beginning with “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” and ending with “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit,” Meacham captures for the reader how these words epitomize Jesus’s message of love, not hate; grace, not rage; and, rather than vengeance, extraordinary mercy. For each saying, Meacham composes an essay on the origins of Christianity and how Jesus’s final words created a foundation for oral and written traditions that upended the very order of the world.

Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day by Kate Bowler
(Book study Tues 10:30 – noon or Discussion with Deacon Deb Wed 5:30 – 6:30 pm) Kate Bowler believes that the cultural pressure to always be cheerful and optimistic has taken a toll on our faith. But what if we could find better language than forced positivity to express our hopes and our anxieties? Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! is packed with bite-size reflections and action-oriented steps to help you get through the day, be it good, bad, or totally mediocre. This is a devotional for the rest of us—which is to say, the people who don’t have magical lives that always work out for the best.

Ongoing Women’s Bible Study Group (10:45 – noon) with Donna Motyl
Join this ongoing group as they study Esther and then move on to Exodus. You do not have to be a biblical scholar to enjoy this group; however, a study bible is recommended.

Please register on our website here. Click on the Register for All Classes button or on the Full Description button to read more details on the class and register from there. Feel free to email Eileen Brogan with questions or if you need help signing up.

-         Eileen Brogan


See You at the Welcoming Table!


Thank You, Clayton