Friendly Visitors - Hold Your Hand Out

“What could be better than to hold your hand out to people
less fortunate than you are?” ~ Paul Newman

My mother loved Paul Newman. You can imagine her delight when, as she read his autobiography, she discovered this quote. She was equally delighted to learn that this person that she so admired, this wildly successful man, valued giving back as much as she did. From very early on, my mom stressed to all of us the importance of and the joy of “showing up.” Our basement housed the church food pantry for those in need; she spent time with people who needed visitors, and she took us with her to visit friends in the hospital so we’d know what to do and say. Big ways. Small ways. I could go on and on. But volunteering our time and talent was something we all did. And we always got way more than we gave!

If our eyes are open, we will see the ways that we are able to share our light with others. I recently listened as Pastor Gene encouraged us to “Change our corner of the world. Not the whole world.” What great advice! There are opportunities in “our little corner” every day. Right here at SUM, there is a group called The Friendly Visitors, and participation in the group is a wonderful way to share a bit of that light with someone who is in need of companionship. My own experience with that group has brought me some sweet connections and new friendships. And I always feel like I get way more than I give.

As the new year unfolds, take that first step. Ask yourself how you can hold out your hand to someone. Ask yourself what you can do each day to make someone happy. I shared the quote that inspired my mom, but these are the words I’ve had over my desk for as long as I can remember:

“Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~Leo Buscaglia

So true.

~ Cathy Marco


Singing is Good


Youth Confirmation