Children often enter the foster care system with little more than the clothes on their backs.  Kits for Kids assembles comfort kits that include pajamas, winter hats, toys, books, and basic hygiene items.  You can donate items, or volunteer on a Saturday to help with kit assembly.  Our goal for this year is to deliver 2500 kits to kids in need.

What are some of the items in a comfort kit?

Soaps or body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, face cloths, winter hats, mittens and gloves, pajamas, stuffed animals, dolls, crayons, coloring books, hot wheels cars, bouncy balls, small blankets, books, deodorant, chap stick, make-up, lotion, socks, journals, pens and pencils. These are put into a six quart plastic container for travel. Shoebox size. 

Click here to donate or volunteer.  

Kits for Kids